privacy risk assessment and management from Kuma LLC

How effective are your company’s data and privacy measures?

Consumers across the globe are becoming increasingly risk-averse when sharing their data, and when they do share their personal information, they want to ensure it is protected and secure. For your organization to meet compliance standards, prevent privacy issues before they start, and tackle privacy matters head-on, you need a privacy risk assessment and management plan.

Let Kuma – the experienced global guide that has your back in all things privacy, cybersecurity, and identity – take the burden off your back when it concerns privacy and risk management.

Privacy Risk Management in Practice:

Prevent privacy concerns and compliance issues before they occur. When you work with Kuma to conduct a privacy risk assessment, you are protecting the sensitive personal data that your company collects while setting yourself up for continued success.

We can help your team conduct a privacy risk assessment that will identify problematic areas and solutions for maintaining personally identifiable information (PII). Often referred to as PIAs (Privacy Impact Assessments) or DPIAs (Data Protection Impact Assessments), our privacy risk assessments are focused on identifying current and potential risk factors and designing strategically actionable insights, which, when applied, will galvanize your organization against threats, vulnerabilities, and sudden shifts that could create negative impacts for your clients, your business, and your reputation. 

Benefits of a Privacy Risk Assessment

The best business practice is always to be proactive instead of reactive. Data breaches are on the rise, and without conducting a proper risk assessment, your company is vulnerable.

Kuma’s proven risk assessment solutions support your organization in:

  • Meeting compliance requirements (such as: GDPR, CCPA, IPEDA, CPA) in complex regulatory environments,
  • Implementing and standardizing internal security audits, consumer requirements, data breach prevention measures, and risk mitigation practices,
  • Managing data effectively, efficiently, and at the right cost.

With the threat of a privacy data breach ever looming, don’t let privacy fall to the wayside; speak with a Kuma Privacy Expert today!

Privacy Assessment & Management Solutions We Offer:

Kuma is one of the leading providers in assessing risk and providing privacy management solutions that protect you and your company. Our team is dedicated to helping conduct both privacy risk and data privacy evaluations.

Our Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) Program:

According to the Department of Homeland Security, your privacy impact assessment should accomplish three essential goals:

  1. Ensure conformance with applicable legal, regulatory, and policy requirements for privacy;
  2. Determine the risks and effects, and
  3. Evaluate protections and alternative processes to mitigate potential privacy risks.

A privacy impact assessment (PIA) analyzes how personally identifiable information (PII) is handled to ensure compliance with appropriate regulations, determine the privacy risks associated with information systems or activities, and evaluate ways to reduce the privacy risks.

Meeting regulatory benchmarks, fostering greater consumer trust, and saving your company from potential financial, regulatory, and reputational risks is simple when you work with Kuma.

Our Data Privacy Evaluation & DPIA (Data Protection Impact Assessments) Program:

How your company collects, uses, and shares client data is at the heart of data privacy. A proper privacy risk management program is vital for processing your clients’ information with data privacy in mind. At Kuma, we start with a data privacy evaluation that guides and informs all technical solutions.

Our proven Data Protection Impact Assessment process includes 4 simple steps:

  1. Evaluate data processing activities.
  2. Identify and assess risks.
  3. Provide effective measures to mitigate the risks.
  4. Create an action plan, and let a Kuma vCPO (Virtual Chief Privacy Officer) support your continual data privacy monitoring and implementation.

Our ultimate goal is to support you in serving your clients. We do this by taking the burden of privacy protection off of your shoulders, and equipping you with actionable solutions that are easy to understand and execute.

Next Steps for Your Business

While a data breach might not cause physical harm, it can cost your company thousands, if not millions, when it is at a high risk of a cyber attack. Every year, companies across the United States experience the negative impact of data breaches and subpar privacy measures.

Be proactive and let Kuma help you create a risk management framework that is built to last!

Frequently Asked Questions

In order to maintain regulatory compliance, any company collecting and utilizing personal data or personally identifiable information must conduct a privacy risk assessment to determine if their data privacy practices are meeting regulatory standards and mitigating risks.

A privacy impact assessment (PIA) analyzes how personally identifiable information (PII) is handled, stored, and maintained to ensure regulatory compliance. A PIA is used to identify any potential risks – and provide solution options – within your company’s information systems and practices, and is typically utilized at the inception of new businesses, processes, or products. PIAs create a strong privacy foundation, so are often used early in an organization’s privacy journey. If your journey has been long-running without a PIA, however, don’t worry – it’s never too late to take proactive measures to safeguard privacy!

Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs) are a continuous, iterative process used to assess and minimize potential risks in the processing of personal data. It involves the regular assessment and mitigation of risks related to the handling of personal data. Importantly, DPIAs are a key component of compliance with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), emphasizing their critical role in ongoing data protection efforts. 

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