Kuma Foundation Fundraiser: Technology for Students

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We are proud to announce our first annual Kuma Foundation Fundraiser. Please join us as we raise funds to provide access to technology for students in their schools!

Technology is changing the way we interact with each other on a daily basis. While it’s hard to imagine a world without technology, many schools around the world still do not have the funds or access to put technology in the hands of their students. By providing this access to technology in local schools, students are given the opportunity to expand their knowledge and skills to become new world leaders. Technology is changing our world, and students should be taught at a young age how to safely leverage and work with technology in healthy ways to ultimately make a difference in society throughout their lives.

Every year, throughout the summer, our non-profit, the Kuma Foundation and our partners, will tackle this important societal issue while promoting a healthy lifestyle balance. Healthy use of technology includes safe online practices as well as knowing when to disconnect and engage in physical activity instead. While we fundraise to put technology in the hands of students, we will take the opportunity to get out and move! We would like you to join our journey, and what a journey it will be– 226.2 miles to be exact!

  • On September 8th, Kuma’s CEO, Ray Kimble, will be running his first marathon, the Erie Pennsylvania Marathon
  • On September 13th and 14th, Kuma’s EVP of Privacy and Security, Jenn Behrens, will be running with a team in the Colonial Relay from Charlottesville to Williamsburg for a total of 200 miles!

Please visit the Kuma Foundation Fundraiser GoFundMe page to donate.  This year’s campaign is active until September 12th.

Your contribution to these events will empower students throughout the United States by placing technology in the hands of students in their local schools.

The Kuma Foundation family sincerely thanks you for your support as we embark on the journey together.

Donate here: https://www.gofundme.com/kuma-foundation-tech-for-schools-campaign



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